Water, Sewer and Stormwater

StormwaterThe Village is responsible for the maintenance of the water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure throughout the Village.

Water Utility
The Butler Water Utility is a self-financing enterprise owned by the Village of Butler and regulated by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC). The Village of Butler owns and maintains the water distribution system within its municipal boundaries. Butler purchases water from the City of Milwaukee. Revenue is generated through fees based on consumption and meter connection to the system.


  • The Water Utility provides water service to approximately 800 residential and commercial customers within the Village;
  • Maintenance of approximately 13 miles of water main ranging in size from 6-12” in diameter;
  • Meter reading and meter maintenance/upgrades;
  • Testing and operating of hydrants and valves meeting regulatory standards;
  • Billing of customers on a quarterly basis;
  • Routine drinking water sampling performed by Public Works staff.
Information Regarding 2023 Water Rate Increase
Sewer Utility
The Sewer Utility accounts for the costs associated with the Village’s collection and conveyance of wastewater from utility users. Wastewater is conveyed via underground laterals and mains downstream to the municipal interceptor sewer system operated and owned by Butler, and flows into systems operated by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District (MMSD). The Sewer Utility is used to maintain the Village’s sewer infrastructure system as well as the treatment costs paid to MMSD. Revenue is generated through user fees based on water consumption and connection to the sanitary sewer system.


  • Maintain approximately 13 miles of sanitary sewer pipe;
  • Perform spot repairs, manhole repairs and chimney replacement;
  • Cleaning of sanitary sewer mains.
Stormwater Utility
The Stormwater utility pays for the cost of owning, maintaining, and constructing the Village’s stormwater management system. Stormwater is considered runoff from impervious surfaces during weather related events.


  • Maintain approximately 13 miles of stormwater utility pipe;
  • Perform spot repairs, manhole repairs and chimney replacement;
  • Inlet and catch basin replacement.